Josh Owen

Josh has been a filmmaker, Illustration & Animation artist since “forever” making movies & cartoons growing up in within the city of Dartmouth in the province of Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) .

Graduating from the NSCC Screen Arts program in 2015: Emerging as an independent filmmaker within the artist community of Halifax: creating original short films / working as a Location Sound Recordist .

Josh’s stories are composed of different forms: individual drawings, frame-by-frame animation, filmed footage sound recordings and music photosynthesized; “put together”… shaped by emotion- in service of an idea.

Since 2020 Josh has called the county of Lunenburg their home: Continuing a quest to innovate original storytelling beyond existence solely as media artwork : Developing their practice to discover new ways for his unique “auteur” style to participate within people’s everyday lives.

Josh’s short films have played at the Vancouver International Film Festival, Toronto After Dark, Festival Du Nouveau Cinéma, Festival REGARD, FIN: Atlantic International Film Festival, Torino Short film market, Animation Festival of Halifax and the Halifax Independent Filmmakers Festival.

“He’s making a movie for each letter of the alphabet”

to talk :)